ORLANDO, Fla. – In a press release, Florida State Representative District 50 candidate Angel Perry called on Florida Politics to fix its false and misleading article, https://floridapolitics.com/archives/456640-robyn-hattaway-starts-hd-50-campaign-with-20000-raised/
published on September 10, 2021, referring to her as a male three times.
“This article is making it sound like my opponent is the only woman in this race, and she’s not,” Perry said. “I was in the race before her. The article appears to give her a leg up.”
Perry reached out to Florida Politics on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram early Saturday morning to make the correction to Scott Powers’ article, but it remains unchanged.

“The Democrats have this thing with using pronouns now–she/her/hers. I never thought I would have to use that ever in my life! I want Florida Politics to interview me so they [and no one else] will ever confuse me again. Men don’t give birth.”

A quick Google search yielded nearly 10 pictures of women and only two men. Furthermore, Perry’s photo is the first suggested image. “Scott Powers has met me twice before, and used my full name in his May 11, 2021 article, so he should know who I am, especially since he reported my fundraising numbers correctly in the article. If he would’ve just picked up the phone and called me for a quote, he would’ve discovered that Angel Perry is not a man.”

While Powers mentioned that Perry’s opponent worked on State Representative Rene Plasencia’s campaign before, Perry has worked on over 50 campaigns in the last six years as an AFL-CIO delegate.

“I’ve been a Central Florida labor advocate over the last six years educating people in civics and worker rights, and continue to work with state and federal lawmakers regarding legislation and policy for the working class.”

Perry also strongly supports small businesses. “I’ve provided SEO submission and social media consultation to small businesses since 2010. During the pandemic, I’ve connected small business owners with their elected officials in order to get CARES Act funding for their companies.”

According to Powers’ article, Perry’s opponent is passionate about workforce development programs as well as finding ways to use federal infrastructure funding to connect environmental improvements, quality of life, and the tourism industry. However, Perry’s campaign went to the people directly. “After conducting a research poll of District 50 residents’ priorities in July 2021, the residents stated their highest concerns are law enforcement funding and presence, education, and healthcare. So as the voice of the people, I’m working with elected officials to find solutions for the current concerns of the residents of District 50.”

Angelique “Angel” Perry is one of three Republican candidates, Christopher Robert Wright, and Robyn Hattaway who filed paperwork to run for Florida House District 50 seat for the 2022 election. Incumbent Republican State Representative Rene Plasencia is not seeking reelection, but running for State Senate in 2022.
At this time, no Democrat has file to run.